Production Workflow Meets Content Management
Gemini Crown Tech’s Production Value software allows for automated communication between the software features, which increases efficiency and reduces human error.

Software that Just Works for You
Our video production management software offers these features to assist you in the following ways:
- Budgeting
- Scheduling
- Call Sheets
- Document Management
- Workflow
- Approvals
- Real-time updates
- Alerts
- Collaboration tools
- Reports

Features of Our Production Management Software

Script Breakdown Feature:
Production team, we did not forget about you. For the shooting script, we included stunts, special effects, VFX, hair, make-up, wardrobe, sound, background, animals, weapons and music all in one easy-to-use format, saving you time and reducing duplicated efforts.
Get a Software Demo
Learn more about how Gemini Crown Tech’s Production Value software can make the video production process so much easier.
Start Your Free 14-Day Trial

Call Sheets Feature:
Budget Feature:
Designed with the filmmaker in mind, Production Value’s budget page takes you from development all the way through post-production, is color-coded by production phase and Department, AND is in a format that most film grant applications and film incentive programs request. No more guessing on actuals, as you can easily compare your planning budget with your actual spend. In addition to all of these features, this budget allows you to account for in-kind funding as well giving a more complete accounting of the budget process.

Stripboard Feature:
Calendar Feature:
Keep everyone on the same page with our Calendar feature which can be used both in the software program and in the mobile app. Update shooting days, add special events, and keep your team in the loop about showtimes and press tours for each project in the Production Value software program.

Mobile App:
Alarm/Task/Reminders/Alerts: Ability to send reminders, alerts, and to-dos to production staff/crew/cast
Chat Feature: Similar to Slack/Teams/GroupMe, allowing you to set up chat groups for quick communication
Production Calendar: Visible to everyone, with editing restrictions and permissions management
Virtual Call Sheet: Daily/weekly/monthly call sheet for everyone to see; editing restricted to specific users who are granted that ability in their profile.
Individual Profiles: Each profile for cast and crew members will include a picture, contact information, food allergies, emergency contact, medical information, and more. Permissions management limits who sees what.